Spring has finally sprung in Ohio and the rainy days have provided much needed time in our sewing studios!
The CMQG hosted its first sew-in of 2018 on April 7th at the Anderson Twp branch of the Cincinnati Public Library. You can see some of the works in progress (WIPs) guild members worked on during the day by checking out our instagram page or search #cmqgsewin. Our next one will be August 11th, we hope to see you there!
11Apr2018 Meeting Recap:
President Abby Graham welcomed new guests to the group. This month we introduced our new series: "What is Modern?". Throughout the year we will touch on various topics related to the evolution of modern quilting. At our April meeting we discussed modern vs. traditional fabrics. To begin the discussion we reviewed the definition of modern quilting from the MQG. Check out their website for more information: https://www.themodernquiltguild.com/content/about-mqg
What does modern mean to you?
Our group discussion identified certain fabric characteristics that define modern fabrics: the saturation of the colors, the texture of the material, the graphics and how it's printed. Not all of these criteria have to be met to be considered modern, sometimes more traditional fabrics can be placed in a way that make it modern. Others concurred it's "just a feeling" and you know modern fabric when you see it. CMQG board members brought fabrics from their own stashes to compare modern vs. traditional for discussion with the group on what made something more modern than the other. See examples below:

Charity Updates:
We collected well over 100 crinkle cloths for our charity project for the Cincinnati baby shower. Great job everyone! For more details on this, please see the March Meeting Recap post. Everyone who contributed will have their name drawn at the May meeting to win a fun prize!
This month we also collected our B&W charity strip blocks (instructions in the March Meeting Recap post). Another fantastic turnout! We hope to make multiple quilts for donations to organizations that are TBD. Once again, everyone who contributed will have their name drawn at the May meeting to win a fun prize!

2018 Hive:
We collected the Tulip blocks for Mary.
Next month are bear claw blocks for Christine!

For this block, please use all one color family for the claw and one low-volume print for the background. We can't wait to see what you make! Use the #cmqghive on any Instagram posts so we can follow progress for hive blocks all year long!
2018 Quilt Along:
It's finally here! The Cincinnati skyline quilt along. Here's what we are making: https://shannon-brinkley.com/collections/pdf-pattern-shop/products/oh-cincinnati-skyling-pdf-pattern
If you are participating, please use #cmqgskyline so over the next few months we can all watch this project come alive. It uses some really cool scrappy appliqué. Our VP, Amy, did some demonstrations on appliqué processes for this pattern. For more information, please checkout Shannon's website that has fantastic tutorials!
As a fun intro to appliqué, we've asked members to make a variety of "postage stamp" pieces next month. All of these will be put into a drawing for the chance to win a prize. The more you make, the more entires you get! So get that fusible web out and get fussy cutting! (No need to fuse onto large backgorund, please leave separate.)

Show & Tell:
We had the chance to see our quilt entry from QuiltCon 2018! The MQG picks the colors and a theme. In the above slideshow you can see the final result. Thanks to all members who contributed!

We can't wait for the next meeting in May! See you on May 9th at 7pm!