Jennifer Fisher is the Board President for 2021. Here is a little about her quilting style and her journey in modern quilting. Enjoy!
I dabbled in quilt making for family babies a few times before I got hooked on quilting. Around that same time I happened upon blogs by some modern quilters online. They were eye opening, the only quilts I knew in real life were very traditional, and while I appreciate the workmanship, the aesthetic did not resonate with me. Those blogs eventually led me to the Modern Quilt Guild. The last few years I've enjoyed learning different techniques, meeting other modern quilters, and participating in challenges.
My favorite quilts are still those I design for a particular person. Here is a sampling. These two early quilts of mine were designed with "baby girl" as the only inspiration.

The inspirations for this next one were "baby girl," "mom's favorite color green" and "using the same pink fabrics as her older cousins."

This one, for a boy, was inspired by "froggy fabric" that when I saw it, I immediately thought of his dad as a little boy. It uses the same green backing fabric as his older sister's quilt.

For their younger brother I designed a quilt around "fish", since their house now backs up to a pond. I was also able to incorporate the frog fabric from his brother's quilt and the green from his sister's quilt on the back

The following quilts were designed for brothers whose parents are big sports fans. The first is a "Dayton Flyers basketball" theme. The second is a two sided football quilt. The father is a "Bengals" fan and the mom's family are "Green Bay Packers" fans.
I'm currently playing with ideas for a sibling expected this summer...

I also love making minis into throw pillow covers for people. See if you can match the pillow to the recipient

Loved living in Germany
West Virginia Mountaineer
Basset Hound owner
Backyard bird watcher/feeder
Modern & forward thinking