Lorna Wood is Treasurer for 2021
I first learned to sew alongside my mom and grandma as a kid and then in middle school home-ec class. Around 2008, my cousin (who was an early member of CMQG) started sewing and sharing all the amazing, modern fabrics that were becoming available at the time. She encouraged me to sew again. I caught the sewing bug, devoured all the great content on sewing blogs of the time and started building my stash very quickly (…think early Amy Butler, Joel Dewberry, Anna Maria Horner). Although I started sewing again and initially made bags and garments, I didn’t try quilting until around 2014. Honestly, I was intimidated to try quilting because I didn’t know the process or lingo and worried that my work was not precise enough. My hesitation seems silly now!

Early in my quilting experience, I sought out retreats, workshops and quilt-a-longs that were focused on skill-building with instruction on different techniques. Those early opportunities built my confidence and competence. Today, I enjoy machine piecing, foundation paper piecing, EPP and handwork, and appreciate the variety that quilting offers. Being a member of the Guild for five years has been fulfilling in meeting “my people”, learning new tips/tricks/techniques via Education programming, gaining inspiration during Show and Tell and having a sounding board for ideas and questions.

Coming into the new year, I installed a design wall and finally found the right layout of my sewing room after many re-arrangements and trips to IKEA. I also inventoried all my WIPs (Works in Progress) and am focused on following through to the finish this year! I work full-time in HR, so I grab bits of time at night or on the weekends. I definitely appreciate the creative outlet.

My favorite part of the quilting process is the fabric selection and working with color! The most satisfying projects for me are those that require many decisions along the way about color combinations and fabric placement, like sampler quilts and scrappy quilts. I don’t hesitate to deviate from a plan, draw my own pattern or add elements like unexpected pops of color or different substrates like denim or linen. Participating in fabric challenges and making mini quilts are ways that I stretch my skills and try new ideas. I’m okay with “make it work” moments and taking some risks!

Beyond sewing and quilting, I enjoy learning quilting history. And I love the stories of quilters – whether written accounts in Quiltfolk or books I find used bookstores or oral histories on podcasts and documentaries. I appreciate the blocks and techniques that have carried into modern quilting. Until recently, I didn’t think there were quilters in my family but found a note in some family history about my Great-Great-Great Grandfather Jonas Peterson (b. 1800, d. 1878): “…to pass away the time, he resorts to many pleasant methods. One method was sewing patches for quilts. He shows them to visitors with pardonable pride.” Reading that passage was such an unexpected and welcome discovery!
